03 September 2011


After donating, walked up the hallway to the ICU, where I had the opportunity to meet Yankay, the soon-to-be recipient of my blood.  As the translator and I were talking with her, Sarah (from the video) brought in my blood and the nurses began to hook her up.  A mind-blowingly speedy process.  

For those of you wanting the nitty gritty:

They need to draw about 500 grams of blood.  Almost there!

One fresh unit of warm O+ blood!


  1. Anonymous4/9/11 11:43

    Hey Seth,

    What a great gift you have given! Hope you ar doing fine.Say Hi to your team mates and friends.

    Plenty blessings,


  2. You just keep making me more proud of you. It looks like you have good, healthy veins and that is something you did not get from your grandmother. This was truly a life-saving experience and I know you were willing and happy to do it. God's continued blessings on all of you.

  3. I am pretty sure you are already on the list (Mercy Ships Links) Seth - I catch most blogs early by search alerts - just scroll down list, posts appear by frequency or most recent posting among all blogs. Enjoy your Mercy Ships experience! (you can delete this post)

  4. That really is awesome. I feel like it would be much more exciting to know you're blood is being put to use immediately instead of knowing that it's going into some truck somewhere to be delivered and used sometime...

    Also of note: my blood type is also O+
